Cable Locks------How would you??????

Gary Max

Active User
Feb 13, 2012
I am working on building a couple Wind Chimes out of recycled Alum pipe. The pipe has a Od of just over 2 inchs and run from 36 to 24 inchs long. I bought some braided stainless Marine grade cable that is 1/16th round. Now I need to figure out how to secure it----- I had planned on using a good knot but this stuff is to stiff for that,so now I am thinking of using cable locks. It would take about 20 cable locks to build one wind chime.
Surely someone has a better ideal???????????????????????
Crimp a ferrule on it, and drill your hole not too much over the cable size.
That's the ticket---thanks.


Jumped on ebay and bought 50 for $11.99
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cable locks

I'm not sure of what "cable locks" are, but have you considered using small diameter copper tubing and crimping over the cables?
A cable lock looks like a small horse shoe that is treaded on the ends ----has a cross bar which draws in when you tighten the nuts. I use them a lot for installing porch swings with aircraft cable.
A cable lock looks like a small horse shoe that is treaded on the ends ----has a cross bar which draws in when you tighten the nuts. I use them a lot for installing porch swings with aircraft cable.

Oh, I know what they are, just didn't know what they were called. What is the diameter of the cable that you are using? If this assembly is fairly large, I suppose my idea of copper crimps are not going to work.
What you need is a swaging tool. It is designed for crimping ferules to aircraft cable. Some years ago I bought an inexpensive set at Home Depot, that worked very well. It had stops & double ferules to make loops. Very nice, clean assembly.
I use 1/8 copper tubing, cut about 3/16 long, it works great,
Gary, I know this is late but you might find it useful. This link tells how to make an eye in cable. I looked for a video to show it but found none. It is what I have known as a "hasty eye" since the 1950's. While not mentioned in the "How To" the overhand knot that starts the eye can be made after feeding the two groups of strands through the holes in the end of your tubes if you want to hang them that way. You might give it a try to see if it will work for you. As for the cable clamp in your application it is unnecessary. Just use a few wraps of wire or nylon cord.
