BS0 BS2 indexing head


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2021
Anyone have any experience with BS0 or BS1 indexing heads? Are these any good?

I see PM even sells a BS1. It needs to fit under my RF-29 mill drill, might need one quickly...

We're running out of machine shop/machinist bandwidth at work so I may have to pick up a hot job at home. Would need to drill many holes in a round part, including some at ~45 degree angle. Anyone recommend these, or another head available quickly? Need the chuck to hold a part ~1-1/8" by 3" long, with a flange on one end. The flange gets the drilling at 0, ~45 and 90 degrees.

I have the BSO, and the quality of the one I have is decent. The 5" chuck that came with it was actually good to less than .001, and I'm using it on my Atlas lathe as it has the same 1.5x8 mounting. Your described operation is simple enough you could probably get by with a vertical V in your vise jaw, or clamping a chuck to your mill table and making a master pattern piece to transfer punch and repeat your parts. Mike
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How bout a super spacer ? A 24 plate gets you automatic 15 degree angles .
Some of these holes certainly could be drilled with fixture plates, etc. But honestly this is a fairly high value part. Getting tooling to make a half dozes of these would be worth while. I've been looking for an excuse for an indexing head for a while anyway.

What's the bore size on the chuck on the BS0?

I think the issue with a super spacer is I need holes perpendicular to the part, also some with the part rotated up at 45 (maybe 42, or 47???), and some at 90 degrees. Holes at the 4x angle, are rotated around the flange. Unfortunately can't show the part...

I can see the indexing head doing exactly what I need. Then I'd have one. :grin: