Brown & Sharpe 585 scribe needed


Mar 19, 2018
As the title says I am in need of a scribe for a Brown & Sharpe 585 vernier height gauge. Does anyone out there have one they can part with?
Maybe, I will check it out tomorrow; are you looking for the straight scribe or the offset scribe?
Would prefer the offset scribe as I think it will allow me to go down to zero but will take whatever you have so that I can get this height gauge usable.
I do have two, but the extra one is only made with a 1" offset, so will not go quite to zero, it is carbide tipped.
Would it be possible to post pictures of these so I can make a more informed choice?
here are pics of all three scribes; the one that I would be willing to let go of is the one at the right with (only) 1" of offset, it lacks approx. 1/16" (maybe .050) of reaching the bottom surface.

scribe 001.JPG

scribe 002.JPG
PM me with your asking price for the scribe on the right please.