last time i did that i used a drewel and diamond burrs it took forever
i found these on the internet
this one works in a lot of metals
this one is for aluminum
hope that helps
Check out the links very interesting stuff.
better buy it soon though. I recall as youngster/kid. chemist kits were/could be found right off the shelf
at any toy/dept store. now days? you hard pressed to even buy mineral spirits.! much less anything else.
I went into my local H0me Dep0t. in search of mineral spirits. I found a jug that said "100 % pure mineral spirits"
I got home. opened it up... only to find this white milky solution? I thought WTF?:shrugs: I almost went with it. but fortunately I had the
sense to call the mfd. listed in/on the msds . they said "its a 100% all natural emulsion" I responded by saying so, I can just go ahead
and mix it with my clear mineral spirits? They said NO! and then blah, blah, blah, & blahing commenced... Instantly, in my head the :holdphone: conversation had
gone from what i was hoping to be a simple answer to Im no friggen chemist.... I bailed out on the stuff and went to a paint store and got the real thing.
I later contacted my chemist friend and explained what had happened. his answer had me :banghead:
makes me wish I still had the chemist kit as a kid.