Has anyone experienced problems with drills breaking while drilling holes with a chuck in the tailstock drilling small holes. I am attempting to make a drill bit holder for 1/32 drill bits up to 7/64. I turned down some hot rolled steel that i had laying around to 1/2 inch decreasing to 3/8 inch . I wanted to drill a hole in this stock and place a set screw to hold these small bits.(my chuck will not hold anything smaller than 1/8 inch bits) I attempted and succeeded to drill and tap the set screw hole. next, i wanted to drill about 1/2 inch into the holder to set the small drills. using plenty of oil, i peck drilled and started the hole. The problems is when drilling deeper than about 1/4 inch, the bit either breaks off in the hole when advancing, or it breaks when extracting to apply more oil. I have broken at least 10 drills. I have the tail stock up next to the stock, the quill is not extended more than about 3/8 inch. these drills seem to unwrap or fracture into pieces. I would like to drill about 3/4 inch total depth 3/8 to set screw hole, and about 3/8 past set screw so bit can be shortened to prevent breaking off a long skinny drill bit. Anyone guide me on what i am doing wrong? Any suggestions?