I am having a great deal of trouble in using the tool, in that I am having trouble in keeping it square, and consequently the resultant flare is deformed 8 times out of 10.
I am now confronted with the 3/16 former in which the pin is bent.....!!
In the manufacture of the tool, no consideration has been given in ensuring that the screwed,
C-shaped clamp component, sits square against the pipe clamp, owing to the fact that the mating surfaces, have not been finished and are direct from the casting mould.
Further, the 3/16 former's pin appears to be too small to suit the inner diameter of 3/16 tubing,
which tends to exacerbate the problem of deformation, and misalignment etc.
I would be interested in your comments/suggestions.
Admittedly, it was cheap at $30 but you expect it to perform nevertheless.
The USA supplier refuses to accept any responsibility as does the manufacturer.