Boyar Schultz 612 Deluxe


Dec 8, 2015
Looking at picking one of these up in two days. Comes with some wheels and a dust collector. Does anyone know the difference between a six twelve and a six twelve deluxe? I've used one of these for dusting off parts at my last job, but never did anything crazy tight on it. Any comments/ feedback is welcome and appreciated. Also, if anyone knows how to move one of these properly, I'd appreciate the advice. Thanks!
Fairly easy to move their are two holes in the base cabinet about 1” in diameter. Take two pieces of bar a put in holes and that’s your lifting points. Grab a 4x4 piece of wood and lower the grinder head onto it to take the load off the elevation screw. Recommended to remove the table which just lifts off. You don’t want that flying off in transport.
I have a Boyar 612 Deluxe. I think the main difference the Deluxe has is the automatic oiler (motor driven) and the regular version has a manual oiler. Never saw any proof, but it seems like the Deluxes were a 60's thing. Boyars do not usually have a hole thru sides for lifting (at least the Deluxe), they come with hex bars screwed on each side for lifting.

No need to take the table off for shipping, just use the locks and stop pin to prevent the table from moving side to side, then the 4x4 or 2x4 on edge to hold spindle tight to chuck. Move the table as far back as goes before lowering the spindle. Have at least one small strap over the spindle.

Boyar Deluxes are supposed to have the base screwed onto the grinder top. Make sure the 4 screws are still there before lifting.

I strongly recommend taking it apart when you get it home and at least checking to make sure all of the Bijour jets are not clogged and let oil thru. Half of mine where blocked, so I replaced them all. The bellows over the cross screw is probably shredded. McMaster sells one for about $100 that you cut into 2 separate pieces, way cheaper than 2 $90 ones!
I have one also. Not much to add to what Grandpop has said. Check to see if the oiler works before using it. Mine stopped at sometime when the prior owner owned it and the ways are pretty scared up from lack of oil.
my unit has 2 hex shaped pegs that stick out of the base. i lifted my whole unit easily with strap and forklift
i used a ratchet strap to keep the balance while loading into a pick up truck.
i removed the bed before loading