Boring Head Questions


Jan 10, 2016
Hey all, I am having a heck of a time trying to get myself a decently priced boring head. I have found a few on ebay that take 1/2" bars I have purchased, but they have never showed up. Thankfully for Paypal I got my money back.... Any who on to my question. I have found one for a fair price but it only accepts 3/8" boring bars and its got me a little concerned that with the smaller bars it would possibly chatter more easy then the 1/2" ones. Would the 3/8" bars be ok? BTW it is a 2" boring head I am looking at. I have a 3 in 1 machine and wouldn't need anything bigger. Thanks for all the help!
Actually, I prefer 3/8" bars as there is less centrifugal mass twirling around out there. I have two Criterion heads, one takes 3/8" bars and the other takes 1/2". I see no difference in performance and I don't really get any chatter with either head. The 3/8" bars will go further out before I get vibration from being extended out there. I wouldn't hold back because it takes smaller bars.
I had never thought about the extra weight of the 1/2" bars. Makes perfect sense now, I guess I would be better with the 3/8" model. Thanks for the guidance!