Boring bar specifics


Nov 9, 2022
I was looking on Amazon for a cemented carbide boring bar. In the specifics they list minimum bore diameter, maximum boring depth, shank diameter, and " maximum bore diameter". I get it on all but the "maximum bore diameter".
Can anyone help me understand the reasoning behind "maximum bore diameter" ?
No reason I'm aware of, and nothing I've worried about when boring a hole. Waiting for some other inputs on this, maybe we will learn something!

I personally suspect the (foreign) vendor used an automated translating program to generate an "English" version of their sales brochure and that's what it spit out. Some of those can be amusing. At least to someone more versed in English...
Maximum is limited to your boring head or on a lathe by cross slide travel.

Just be aware that they most likely will need some grinding to get the proper geometry when you first get them.

Cutting oil is my blood.
No such thing as a maximum bore diameter limit . Off set holders are easily made to reach past the machine and head limitations . This is why we buy machines , to make tools for the tools we already own . :)
Some boring bars, when set at centre height, have a thick body that can strike the edge of the hole at the lowest point before the tool tip actually touches the diameter it is supposed to cut.
This helps a lot. I thought there was some concept I did not understand. This helps a lot.