Best for what? Material? Condition? Depth?
not specific? Well, buy any branded hss, but the common sizes be sure to buy cobalt. They will work great even in STainless. Just be sure to run them correctly.....rpm and feed, too much burns, too few rubs and dulls the edge. The swarf should look golden and not curl, but brake instead. If it looks black too many rpms or poor cooling, if itmcurls give more feed. Most drill bits will cut fine 3 times its diameter in depth, after that you need pecking to clean, pecking causes uneven cut, holes may sway. Deep holes must be run straight without pecking but high pressure through spindle coolant instead. Remember tangential speed becomes 0 with a 0 radius, that equals that the center of a drill bit does not cut, if the bit is large, remove the shoulder ofmthe bit.