Bench Blocks


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
I ran across this information today. I am not sure if this is the right place,but it is some pretty good Noob info


PS- What is going on with the Login? It will not automatically log me in. But if put in the first letter of my name, it will highlight my name. Then if I click on the password it will automatically fill in the pass word. If the page will remember that, why won't it automatically log me in???
Nice docs, Randy, thanks.

Re: login/password question: the autologin feature is being handled by the site on the server, but the filling out the user name and password feature is actually happening on your machine in the web browser, so they're really not connected in any way.

The user name/password fill-out feature continues to work because your browser remembers those values being typed into that form as part of its "history" or "form data" feature set (depending on the type of browser you use).

The auto-login feature is part of the server-side software that actually runs the site. It seems to work for me, so I don't think there's a problem on the server side per se.

But the feature probably depends on the browser cooperating with the server in making it work. This is usually done through "cookies". If for some reason your browser is no longer cooperating, the server has no choice but to force you to log in again. This could be because the cookies have been cleared or turned off entirely in your browser, or because there's some sort of firewall software running on you machine that is preventing cookies from operating smoothly, or some security software between your machine and the server (in you router or in the ISP firewall) that is interfering.

YMMV, but those are the things I'd check if this happened to me.
Rick Sparber who put together the information on bench blocks is a valuable part of the Atlas-Craftsman user group. He has posted quite a few of these articles/tutorials, from simple to advanced. I appreciate that he offers information for users of all levels, and is willing to modify his articles/tutorials almost any time someone comes up with a better idea.

I was experiencing the logon problem. Assuming that you allow sites to store cookies, if you have an old cookie from this site it seems to screwup the auto logon process. If you erase the old cookie(s) the problem goes away. If you decide to erase all cookies be warned that you will effect the behavior of other sites that have stored cookies (information) on your machine (they will forget who you are until they can save their cookie).

Thanks for posting this info on bench blocks. I had one in a box of throwaway material. After seeing picture, I dug it out cleaned it up and it was a starriet. Now I know what it's purpose is.

A couple of bench blocks are one of the things I use every day. My most used ones are 4" dia. and made of delrin. Great for removing/installing pins in guns without marring the finish.
Blind Star wins the prize. I deleted the old cookie and that solved the problem.


What's a bench block? :lmao:

Good post Randy. I suppose there are a lot of strange tools out there that many of us have never heard of before.
Good for the education, but bad for the wallet sometimes. :biggrin:

Bench Blocks.jpg

Bench Blocks.jpg View attachment 95063
I saw Ricks article on Atlas-Craftsman groups.

I added one tip there that I use often. It may be handy to someone here.

My little tip is a way to make a work piece level to the jaws of a bench vise or drill press vise.

I put the part into the vise with just enough pressure to hold it in place, then
I put (usually two) of those 90° welding magnets on top of the work piece,
spanning across to the jaws. I loosen the vise jaws and get to hear a bit of a
'clunk' as the magnet, work piece and vise jaws come into one plane. Then I tighten the jaws
and remove the magnets. It may not be perfect, but it sure beats the way I used to try to do it.

My eyes don't seem to notice little errors like they used to.