Been a while so I was told


Active User
Apr 30, 2011
Hi y'all been a while since I've been here and on the 'puter too so here's a little update for any who are interested. Had a job offer from a company, thought about it, shut my plumbing shop down and went to work with them and been having a blast (getting a pay check evey week and no headaches)!!! So now that I'm working steady haven't had all the time to check these sites or play much in my shop, plus I had to have my 9 yr. old German Shorthaired Pointer put down (that was rough). Got a pointer mix at the local animal rescue a year and a half old or so and have been working and training him to hunt the snipe we chase around. He is coming along nicely, a little gun shy, improving each outing and he's figured out what we are hunting. It makes it easier training him with the help of my wife, son, brother and my 8 yr. old English Pointer :) !!!Some one of these days I'll find my cd's with pics of my shop, tools, dogs, and a few things I've turned out. Til then I'll try to check a bit more and and my 1/2 cent worth...If I don't get back before Christmas y'all have a GREAT, SAFE and WONDERFUL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later y'all Jack (aka Plumber)