Bearing Resistance


Here is a question for all my fellow tech heads. I have a bearing. It has a fairly heavy rolling resistance. I want to make it spin very quickly. Where do I begin? Please and thank you very much.
Remove the seals (if any). Rinse it out with mineral spirts to wash out any existing lube or grease. It should spin freely after that. You can relube with a thin bodied oil if you wish for durability.

Gonna take this one step further. If it has seals you can remove them and put them back as long as you do not damage them. If it has shields (all metal covers) you can remove them but you can't put them back. Open bearings are self explanitory. Which do you have??

"Billy G" :thinking:
Good Point Bill
Not knowing what type of bearing he is working with, leaves us guessing at this point. Sometimes its just easyer to get a replacement bearing.
It is actually a cheap old skateboard bearing. It is not completely incapsulated, and it does not have any visible seals. Based on research (and this site,) I think I will clean it with mineral spirits and replace the grease with a light oil. Some have suggested applying heat to cause the grease to run out. What do you think of that?
Applying heat is not going to cause the grease to fall out or even drip or flow out.

Do what others have said, pry the seals out and wash with mineral sprits and re lube with your favorite type of bearing grease. Not too much, just a dab of grease is all you need.

I personnely don't mess with re lubing bearings, unless they are are special high dollar bearings. Cheaper to buy new ones, especially skate board bearings.
The reason im trying to stick with the skateboard bearings is because they have these perfect little holes all the way around so that I can bolt them flat to a board. I wish I could share more details, it would probably help answer my question. I'll be sure to post a pic when the device is successful. Thanks for the help guys.
Oh yeah, you have my interest piqued so don't forget the pics when you can get em snapped and posted up for the rest of us to see your Rube Goldberg invention. Some of the best and coolest stuff comes out of the minds of folks just trying to get their idea or plan too smooth out and work a little bit better, So snap em as you go and don't be afraid to post em up, nobody will flame you for it, I guarantee it. Hopr to see the pics soon too....
Wheelchair Bobber