is is my install of the treadmill motor on my band saw. I need to put in some type of gear reduction so I have power at slow speeds & hopefully reverse the rotation with the gear reduction. Otherwise it was a pretty neat install. I left all the controls in their original case and just cut it down.
is is my install of the treadmill motor on my band saw. I need to put in some type of gear reduction so I have power at slow speeds & hopefully reverse the rotation with the gear reduction. Otherwise it was a pretty neat install. I left all the controls in their original case and just cut it down.
I did several bandsaw conversions and never had a problem with getting the low end speed and power. using a threadmilll motor, I cut metal all the time no problem. I also silver soider my own metal cutting blades. As far as reversing the motor just turn the two lead around or turn the motor around.
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