Ball jig set up


Active User
I finished my ball jig (Steve Bedair's style) and attempted to turn a ball. Well it is more oval shaped than round. The drilled end is round, but the opposite side is more pointed. What is the initial set up to get a round ball. I tried changing my set up, but I continued to get the same results.
If you are getting oval instead of round, it suggests that you have 2 center points which hints that the ball jig isn't centered with the lathe spindle.

pictures would definitely clear up the visual side of things for people to get a better view on the matter with additional suggestions.
I figured it out. I had the jig centered to work piece, but did not have the cutting tool measured to the proper ball size. Here is the jig with the ball turned correctly on the handle. The handle is temporary, plan on making a new one when I get the right size stock.
