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Aug 29, 2019
I finally got the bushing for the Apron hand wheel ready to press in. My question is .002 press too much for cast iron and bronze. I am beginning to think the bronze is maybe Ampco cause my horizontal band saw just did not want to saw it. I finally used a HSS parting tool and faced the remainder off with carbide. Would have been nice if I had the correct size stock so I didn't turn so many chips but that is what happens in Poor Folk USA. If necessary, I will skim another .001 off the O/D. For now, here are some pictures.


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What is the o.d. of the part? General rule of thumb is .001 per inch. For ease of installation heat the cast, and freeze the bronze. Mike
O/D is .877 I/d .875. Thanks for input. I will adjust and do as instructed.
Be aware that a .001" press fit will probably reduce the bushing ID slightly. So if the ID fit has very little clearance, you may need to polish the bushing ID or shaft OD to get the fit you want.
Be aware that a .001" press fit will probably reduce the bushing ID slightly.
You bet it will ! I could bore you with another story that happened at the spice company here in Md . I'll just say it cost them $12K to fix a FU on a project . :grin: :big grin: Use a 3 prong hone if the ID shrinks .
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I thought it was conventional to press, then ream to size. Except for some very light press fits with shouldered bushings that's how I've always done it. Seems to work for me, but I don't make anything that's running 24/7 either...

Be aware that a .001" press fit will probably reduce the bushing ID slightly. So if the ID fit has very little clearance, you may need to polish the bushing ID or shaft OD to get the fit you want.
I failed to mention that the I/D of the bushing is 5/8" and I plan to bore it to final size of after it is pressed into the casting. Thanks for your input. Great interaction between members is what makes this forum top shelf.
Yeah, the bore will collapse about 75% of the pressfit on a thin wall bushing. So your fit will not be nearly as tight as you might think, especially after you bore to size. Long way of saying you might want to give it a smear of loctite during installation.