Atlas/Dake 3A/5ton Arbor Press Rebuild


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 6, 2012
Atlas 3A/5ton Arbor Press Rebuild

As we finalize packing to visit our daughter I thought I'd put out a thank you to everyone here at HM.
I started here a couple years ago with a 10inch hobby lathe and a trip to Tennessee to retrieve a Cincy Toolmaster 1b.
You've all encouraged me to improve and not belittled me as I struggled, and asked silly questions. Thank you.
One of our members Dave Smith in Rochester MN. Sold me a rusty arbor press at far less than scrap price.
He challenged me to make something of it.
As I've seldom been able to refuse a dare, here it is.
I'd hoped to complete the platen before I posted these pics. But, as I look at the calendar, it may be a ways out.
Thus, here you go... Thank you all for the many contributions you make here!!
Have a great year!!

I don't pretend that this is good documentation of a project.
Or, that it is perfect.
However, it does reflect a progression in my skills.
When I got her from Dave Smith. She'd had her rack, handwheel, and bar cut off with a torch. The pawl was missing and the spindle was rusted solid.

Took alot of soaking in Evaporust and some carefully sprayed Kroil. I milled a rack on the Cincy Mill, turned and then slotted a handwheel, drilled out the stub of the old lever and replaced it with a pre-stressed. The band saw pic, is loading a 400pound piece of 10inch round stock for the platen.

aaablade pics 006.jpg aaablade pics 007.jpg aaablade pics 010.jpg Davids machine pics 6-30-2013 012.jpg Davids machine pics 6-30-2013 013.jpg DSCF0030.JPG DSCF0031.JPG DSCF0037.JPG image1(1).JPG image1(2).JPG image1(3).JPG image1(4).JPG image1(5).JPG image1(6).JPG image1.JPG Atlas Arbor Press Ad 1916.jpg
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Wow what a transformation! Nice job indeed. I love to see old iron come back to life.

Daryl---I just knew it belonged in your shop---and how not could it look better---very good job---I'm impressed----Dave
I like to see previously abused equipment returned to functionality. Your press is a fine example. That hand wheel looks great and will be the crowning jewel. Nice work.
Daryl---I just knew it belonged in your shop---and how not could it look better---very good job---I'm impressed----Dave

Dave, you are, and will continue to be an inspiration.
Thank you for spending time with me in Lanesboro.
Even though I was extremely, very, very cold.
You just proved that one really can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. :applause:Mark