Atlas 10F TH42 compound slide

Mike Millis

Dec 16, 2019
Hey everyone, I am super excited about the atlas TH42 I just picked up for next to nothing. This lathe came with the milling attachment installed and not a normal compound slide. I have a lantern style tool post but no compound to hold it! So a compound slide is at the top of my wish list. If any has one they would like to part with, I'm in the market! Either a whole compound unit or just from the "dovetailed rotating pin thing" up.…..and maybe someone knows the real name for the "dovetailed rotating pin thing" that the compound rotates on
Did Pontiac428 have what you were looking for? If not, I have one marked 10-302.
That is called the Upper Swivel. It has the male half of the compound's dovetail. The compound slide (the upper half) with the actual tool post T-slot is 9-303, the compound slide.