Asking Local Shops For Material - It Works!


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
May 3, 2020
I've read posts on here discussing ways to get your hands on material, one of which is to make friends with a local machine shop and rummage through their cutoff bin.

I'm here to confirm that it works! For the price of a dozen Krispy Kreme and a handshake I walked off with this nice box of 4140, A2, and S7. I am extremely pleased.

I gave my buddy a bottle of Jim Beam at Christmas plus a XXL Orioles Golf Shirt (after I lost those 90 lbs. I didn’t have a use for it).
smaller one/two man band type shops are best as I've found the larger establishments with missmanagements are too scared of insurance claims.
A couple of my suppliers once I showed them what I was making and bemoaning the fact that the larger companies wouldnt sell small quantities to hobbiests actually put up signs offering off cuts cheaply.
Here in Mexico there is no regulation preventing recycling centers from re-selling scrap. It's actually a nice trip to go there and see what you can find...
For years , every time I went to the landfill I visited " Metal Hill " . Pulled out lawn tractors , mowers , bikes , machine tools etc etc etc . Always came back with 3X than I took up . The wife was quite aggravated to say the least , but I fixed and sold what I brought home . They have a strict no scavenging rule now , which is great for me . To this day , I eyeball stuff up that I'd be dragging home , but no room at the inn . :grin: