I have a couple of old serial number books that show a little bit. Can you find a serial number stamped into the bed or on a name plate, can you measure the swing and CC. Center to Center length? In one book (copy-write 1959) The oldest date is 1919 for several size machines. In the other (copy write 1952)the info for a 20 x 48" lathe cc model A geared head engine lathe, std. equip. 7 1/2 HP motor and control. 9000 pounds, cost $10,164.00 .
Get that info and I'll see what else I can find.
That is an Boye & Emmes lathe American made. Don't know if they were ever connected to Schumacher Boye out of England.
B & E lathes were noted for their awkward looking headstocks on their gear head lathes. I cannot say I've ever seen a picture of a cone head lathe. They went out of business in the late 1940's.
Boye and Emmes, formerly the Schumacher and & Boye Company, were formed in 1899 (the Schumacher & Boye name was dropped in 1912) and were based at 2245 to 2251 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
That second pic looks almost Identical. As for the motor being a China motor it probably is . I imagine it had been swapped in at one time or another. My friends father bought it probably 25 years ago and I dont think it ever really got used. He died about 10 years ago so cant get much info on it.
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