Anyone have a Torque-Rite power drawbar from PM?


Jun 12, 2018
I have a 33 gallong air compressor and the Torque-Rite uses up air very fast. Not sure if this is normal or not. Goes from 140 tank to 120 in no time.
Those little motors really suck air. Not sure what it is, but from what I have seen, it is a butterfly type air impact.
They are not as bad as air die grinders, but, pretty close.
I have the Torque-Rite, but bought it from the manufacturer direct. It does consume air, but I have 80 gallon receiver, so I have never noticed it sucking a lot of air. I run the Torque-Rite at 80 PSI and it only takes about 2 seconds to release or secure.
Yeah, I have it around at 80 psi, too.

Just making sure I didn't get a defective one

Installation was confusing, too. It said the shoulder of the drawbar has sit .050 below the bearing cap, but mine wouldn't engage if I do that. I had to use the spacer it came with.
I run mine at a higher pressure to account for some pressure drop when in use, you also need to fully depress the buttons otherwise the air flow is not sufficient, and yes they eat a lot of air. I am running an 80 gallon 2 stage compressor, so has not been an issue as to air supply. Prior to that I had a smaller high pressure Dewalt, it would cycle fairly frequently and the noise drove me nuts.

I have had issues with the drawbar supplied and the engagement as well as it rattling. The drawbar height, mine is set at 0.050 below, recently was adjusting it and it was flush and it would not engage properly. The other issue is that at higher speed the top of the drawbar would oscillator and rattle. I just machined a new spacer at the top and used a very high viscosity grease. Make sure you also apply grease to the splines.

Last but not least, when using a power draw-bar the quill needs to be all the way up and locked, otherwise it will push down and disengage.
Have this drawbar on larger mill. Compressor is 5hp 80 gallon. I haven’t noticed large amounts of air being used. Haven’t needed to lock quill. Converted machine from NMTB to CAT40 drawbar. So far so good.
I noticed that when my quill is all the way up, when I run the spindle, it spins the torque right also.
Should not be doing that, you could have the wrong drawbar. I would give the manufacturer a call ans speak to technical.
I would recommend calling the manufacturer. At least download the manual. That will tell you what you need to now about fitment. They were very helpful when I needed to get a longer drawbar.
If I remove the space, it doesn't do that, but it doesn't reach high enough to engage the torque-rite when I activate it

I might need to modify the spacer or make a new one that's a little bit shorter