Anyone Converted Portaband to Vertical Bandsaw?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
I'm tired of cutting my stock with my cutoff tool. I'm getting pretty good at straight cuts by hand though! :p Looking to get either a hor/vert band saw or a portaband and convert it to a mounted vertical saw. Anyone done a portable convert? Let's see some pics! :) Here's a thread on Bladeforums showing some nice portaband conversions.

PS, should I go for a Millwaukee or Dewalt or just get the cheap Harbor Freight? My own credo is get the best you can afford but.....don't know if I'll be using it that much to justify the more $ model(s).
you can use one of the harbor freight horizontal saws vertically as they come with a small bolt-on table, but it pretty much sucks because the table is small and you have to straddle the base when you use it vertically....

I've wanted to build a nice heavy vertical stand to permanently mount the harbor freight horizontal saw on for sometime now, but I already have plenty projects for this year..

probably cheaper to use a harbor freight 4x6 than it would be to use a name brand portaband.
I have the equivalent of the HF portable. There's hardly a shop session where I don't reach for it. One of the most useful tools in the shop. I keep it loose, but then, I also have a 9 x 12 cutoff bandsaw and a vertical I converted from woodworking. Get the best bi-metal blades you can find and you will definitely need hearing protection.
Jody at built a stand for that porta-band on his site and did a you tube video too. His was pretty simple and required no mods to the tool so it could be used either way with no switch over time involved. Worth a look anyway.