I belong to the Techshop in Menlo Park, CA. I've been a member for three years, re-upping around the time of the Maker Faire, when they have the best deals. Two years ago it was $500 for the year, last year it was $900. This year I'm thinking twice about renewing because I really haven't used it enough to justify the cost. But I don't think it takes THAT much machine use to make it a pretty good deal.
I have a small lathe and mill at home, but still figured that the larger machines, and having people to ask questions, would make it worth it. But what happens is that most times, if I'm in the middle of a project at home, I'll figure out a way to avoid the 20 minute trip to the Techshop. Having said that, it WAS really handy, to spend an afternoon there sand-blasting about 20 old painted parts rather than stripping them at home. Or using their bender to to make one nice U bend in a 1/2" steel rod (I was literally there for 3 minutes on that trip), or using the X-Y plasma cutter to make steel music notes I put on an artsy fence.
I'm semi-retired and go there mid-week, so I've never had a problem getting access to machines, but I rarely used the popular stuff. Mostly I'm on the support machines like the sheet metal bender and shear, big band saw, etc. so access is never a problem. Lathes, mills, and CNC stuff requires more operator time, but you can reserve machines.
I don't think I've been there 8 times in the last year, so I think I'd be better off paying for a day or a month as I need. The problem is, I know if I don't already have a membership, I will probably stay home rather than spend the $100. I'll have to decide by September.