One of the casualties of a roof blowout in my old storage unit was a surface plate. It is an old cast iron one, probably about 2 foot square . It came out of a local high school that was eliminating its shop classes and was rusty when I got it. Now it has a nice brown layer of powdery rust on it. it has been outside and unprotected for several years now while I have been away trying to make a living on the road.
Is it worth trying to do something with this or should I just scrap it out next time I am over there? (It is at my old place 2000 miles away I get to drag stuff to Texas from once or twice a year.This year I am going to try and finish the move If I can afford it.)
My machine equipment at the house is limited to an Atlas 10F and a couple of drill presses, a 6 x 48 belt sander, and welding stuff. (I'm also pretty well equipped for jeep work including sheetmetal work. Got all sorts of hammers including the special metric ones too. :rofl:.) I can't see what sort of uses I would have for the SP besides lapping parts flat. What other stuff might a jeep guy and fledgeling lathe user use a surface plate for? ( I realize it was in the list of things that don't make you a machinist!)
Is it worth trying to do something with this or should I just scrap it out next time I am over there? (It is at my old place 2000 miles away I get to drag stuff to Texas from once or twice a year.This year I am going to try and finish the move If I can afford it.)
My machine equipment at the house is limited to an Atlas 10F and a couple of drill presses, a 6 x 48 belt sander, and welding stuff. (I'm also pretty well equipped for jeep work including sheetmetal work. Got all sorts of hammers including the special metric ones too. :rofl:.) I can't see what sort of uses I would have for the SP besides lapping parts flat. What other stuff might a jeep guy and fledgeling lathe user use a surface plate for? ( I realize it was in the list of things that don't make you a machinist!)