Another What Is It Thread


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 29, 2014
I was helping a friend go through go through some tooling he had acquired. We found a couple thing we could not identify. Hoping someone here might know what these items are. TIA
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Well they are home made, but for what? Does any other tools give a hint what type of work the original owner was doing.
No hes not sure where they came from or what they might have been with.
I'm certainly no expert & can't tell how big they are; but I'm thinking Gr8legs is on to something.

My wife & I used to have a (very) small sideline repairing antique gramophones & phonographs. I made a tool nearly identical to the ones Seasicksteve is presenting.
We used it to wind the mainsprings so they could be placed into the spring barrels. Those springs are basically giant versions of clock springs.

The other half of the spring was fitted into its barrel slot while I wound. The tool let me wind while keeping myself behind a large safety board and to allow me keep my hands away from the spring in case something went haywire.

Enjoy Today!