And of course y'all know what I think about the cost of shipping.

2 options.

If you need to sign for package, REFUSE IT!

it goes back to sender.

If tossed on porch, go online and reject it and request replacement.

It is NOT PACKED properly as there is no support.

Packed properly can be dropped a short distance and be fine.

Improper haneling combined with poor shipping gets what you received.

Create a ticket for each one received, make them come and get it and replace it.

Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
Everything from FED-Ex looks like this. Some of the canned goods from Sams are so bent up I can't use the can opener to open them.
I shipped a computer via Fed-Ex once and it looked like they had dropped it out of the airplane from altitude...
We had a $10,000 item show up in a crushed box. Opening the box, you could clearly see the imprint of the fork truck fork across the middle of the sensitive instrument inside. They pancaked it. That was 20 years ago, so they really haven't gotten any worse.

FYI, They eventually paid the $10,000 claim (it was insured), but took them several months to cut the check...
I watched Fed Ex deliver 5 very large screen TVs to the bowling alley by me. I did not see the driver but I just saw each one of the TVs come flying out the back of the delivery truck bounce on the road and fall over. I can not believe that any one of them actually worked.
We had a $10,000 item show up in a crushed box. Opening the box, you could clearly see the imprint of the fork truck fork across the middle of the sensitive instrument inside. They pancaked it. That was 20 years ago, so they really haven't gotten any worse.

FYI, They eventually paid the $10,000 claim (it was insured), but took them several months to cut the check...
You can actually see the fork truck fork imprints in the cans of canned goods from Sam's. It happens so often I don't know if I should blame Sams or FED-Ex. its almost like Sams saved up all their bent cans and shipped them to individuals like me, However I have had the same thing happen with bags of Lays chips and Fritos. Bags were busted inside the boxes and chips everywhere so it must happen after they leave Sam's. I guess getting old and grumpy brings out the gripe in me, but all this is just a snapshot of where our society has gone and is headed.

I should point out that I have never to this day received damaged goods from Amazon. One time I did receive an empty envelope from E-bay vial USPS that was supposed to have an acme thread tap. Clearly was a hole in the envelope. I took a picture and emailed it to the Ebay seller, and they promptly sent a replacement at no charge.

I buy hundreds of items from both Amazon and Ebay every year. I am a Amazon/Ebay Zombie.
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Have you let Sam's know that their goods are arriving in poor shape? They are Fed-Ex's customer, you're not. Fed-Ex doesn't really care if you're PO'd at them. You don't pay them to ship stuff, Sam's does.

We buy things from Goodwill, many are glass.

One ones that get broken are those not packed properly.

The boxes look fine when they arrive.

If you have local issue, then make noise.

Refuse the shipment, and f it is just left on the porch, call the sender and insist thy replace it.


Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
I would not put it past deep discount places like SAMs to specifically purchase damaged can goods when they can (at a discount I am sure) as long as the cans integrity is not compromised.