Working on the above, makes my head hurt.
Decided to design the motor mount plate. Will make it out of a piece of 1x4x5 A36. It will be good and sturdy. I have about 24 inches of the A36. Here is an isometric view with the motor.
I have to change the hole to the left of the motor to allow the motor cables to get through! Made a mistake! Was so happy with the design, then thought - hmm, I wonder how big the cable connectors are? Think the easiest thing to do is to make a slot all the way to the edge. Nuts, back to the drawing board... This should be better!
I made the slot wide enough to allow both cables to stack vertically, which should give me the maximum X displacement for tightening the belt.
Now I have to go back and fix up my technical drawings. The downside of FreeCAD is they have not solved the topological naming problem. This means changes to the model can cause renaming of faces and edges - the same faces and edges used in the technical drawing package. So a bunch of dimensions got hosed. The price we pay for a "free" drawing package. Doesn't take too long to fix things, but is a bit of a pain.
My first two belts came in today. They are the 3M384 motor drive belts.
I better hurry up and make the motor mount! And I better figure out how to hog out the cast iron base of the lathe, so there's a place for the motor to fit...