Sorry its taken so long to get back to this. I did some test on the Millrites knee. I used a 6" parallel that would just span the gap between the dovetail ways. I zeroed the unit out on the table while it was stuck on the parallel. If nothing else I know my table is parrallel to the knee
I then inserted a .0025 feeler gauge under the right side, the angle gauge read .1 degree.
twstowerzinger, you were right. Because there is 2 decimal places I assumed it would read as such, but it does not.
I tryed a .0015 feeler gauge first but it did not read anything.
I removed the feeler gauge and the angle gauge went back to zero.
When I inserted the .0025 gauge back under the parallel, and leaned my weight against the knee the angle gauge would read another .1 degree. Sorry no pictures of this, as I didnt have enough hands.
Im not claiming that this method will replace a true machinist level, Im just giving people who are just getting started a plausible alternative to an expensive level. As I stated before, I will use the parallels, and the angle gauge a lot more than a precision level on other projects.
Hope this helps spmeone, God bless.