Add live center to turret on Logan 12"?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jun 8, 2016
I have a 12" Logan turret lathe. I have a need to turn between centers. What I am wondering is can I use the turret and put a live center in it? I think I would need to make a live center to use in the turret 'holes'.

I'm looking for suggestions or thoughts.
Live centers were common for turret lathes, they are made with a straight shank. Bear in mind that they may be less likely to turn straight than when using a regular tailstock, and there is little adjustment to align the center to turn straight.
What John said. The idea of the turret is for production of multiple parts. If it is a one-off, the tailstock is more easily adjusted, has tooling readily available to use, and would be a better choice.

If you don't have a tailstock, and can make a live center, still check it, i.e., run a dial indicator along a test bar between centers before you start. Like John said, there's not a lot of adjustability using the turret. I suppose you could make the live center so it is adjustable on the horizontal plane, kind of like those offset tailstock centers that some use for turning tapers.
You can buy a drill socket that you put in your turret and then insert a Morse taper live center into same. The hard part is to lock the turret and keep pressure on the center.
If the turret was drilled and bored on the lathe the bore should be true to center.
Thanks, As I understand it from Logans own literature, all the turret bores were done on the lathe it was built for at the factory. That should mean that making a live center to fit would keep it in alignment.

That brings up the question of tension. How much is needed for using a center? My thought was to push the turret up tight and tighten it to bed without extending the turret itself. Would that be acceptable?
If you bought the Logan with the turret on it ,it was bored at the factory. But if you bought the turret later you had to bore it yourself. So that it was true to THAT lathe. You need to keep tension on the center while you are using it . And just pushing it into the part will not work. I have rigged up a piece of wood under one of the handles of the turret and wedged another piece of wood under that to keep tension on center while machining part. You do what you have to do.
One other thing if the turret on the lathe is not bored true to that lathe. You can buy the next size drill sockets or bushings and rebore the turret to new larger socket size.
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OK, thinking out loud......

What about a spring loaded live center?
Lock the turret to the bed and use the stop screw for that turret position to load the live center, simple as can be.