A Neat Collection of Carabiners

Amazing what people will collect these days. It's been more than a few years since I was climbing, but my standard fare were regular, "straight" chounard (sp?) 'biners. And a locking 'D' 'biner for belaying. I specifically did not like the kidney-bean shaped 'biners after seeing how you can fall right out of them.

In case someone is interested, here’s a recent experiment with DMM XSRE accessory carabiners :geek:


As I’m constantly on a lookout for new ways to shave off grams from my outdoor sleeping setup, I decided to replace the climbing carabiners on my hammock with lightweight accessory ones. This is pretty much against all manufacturer recommendations, but the test hang showed some encouraging results :congratulate:



Now that I’m somewhat confident that the accessory carabiners won’t fail instantly under a load, the next step is to actually spend a night in the hammock :grin: There is more to come on that!