A Gloat And A Whatzit?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
A neighbor/knife-maker talked me into go visit a blacksmith shop last Saturday, that burned down a couple of months ago. He said the guy was selling his stuff off cheap and he wanted to buy his power hammer. The potential of a good deal was all it took for me. We got there and much of the structure was pretty badly damaged, but was still standing. The contents of the building had more water damage than fire damage. We got the power hammer (more to follow in another post) While there I noticed a 10 gallon plastic bucket full of tooling boxes. Most appeared to have gotten wet and dried over time. At the top I noticed a 1 1/2" #3 Morse Taper bit. I picked it up and asked the guy how much for the drill bits. He said $20 for the bucket. At nearly the speed of light a Sawbuck exited my wallet. I tried to pick up the bucket to put it in my truck and the bottom punched out, it was so heavy. So I ended up carrying armloads of water damaged boxes to my truck. When I got home hours later I surveyed my spoils. The boxes were all toast. Some of the bits had a bit of surface rust, but the corrosion protective paper really did an amazing job.

So what was the score? 15 new or close to it MT bits from 1/2" to 1 1/2" ,all American made. Several had brazed in carbide inserts. Fifty new Chinese made 5/8 and 3/4" bits. 11 new MT reamers and a Gerber sharpening steel. I think I got my $20 worth!MT DRills.jpg China bits.jpg reamers.jpg

Now the question. What are those odd tapered reamers used for?

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Those are called ''bridge reamers'', used for reaming pairs of holes in steel for alignment if you are going to make a lap joint. Handy items.

Nice score!
You seem to find your way to some inordinately good deals. Who could be leading you to these deals, "Satan perhaps?" (followed by maniacal church lady laughter). Nice score. Mike
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