I replace my half nut on my 9x20 lathe (simiar to grizzly G-4000, Enco ) because all the thread are stripped. I install the new on and after mounting all parts, the half nut is not engaging correctly. When I close the lever, the half nut clip on the leadscrew and push it toward the lathe and don't keep on the leadscrew ( I need to keep pressure on the lever) . I don't figure how to ajuste this ? The leadscrew seem to be straight and I don't have any ajustement back and forth.
I replace my half nut on my 9x20 lathe (simiar to grizzly G-4000, Enco ) because all the thread are stripped. I install the new on and after mounting all parts, the half nut is not engaging correctly. When I close the lever, the half nut clip on the leadscrew and push it toward the lathe and don't keep on the leadscrew ( I need to keep pressure on the lever) . I don't figure how to ajuste this ? The leadscrew seem to be straight and I don't have any ajustement back and forth.