6" Atlas cross feed handle

When I got my 101.07301 (Craftsman branded 6") the handles were useable but not close to right . Here is a picture of it the day I got it home , left click to enlarge .
DSCF2343 by mark westi, on Flickr
I got a threaded ball from the bay https://www.ebay.com/itm/195537852875?hash=item2d86f6d9cb:g:VcQAAOSwyt9jrQlD&amdata=enc:AQAHAAAAsGL9j94kCUx3xAdB2c0J0K2x/CvQ67SLevFME/QVFO++hrO4xTZQ9MAOm32qxgyD1QYW7/UnAGnWXP8g8sScJMMgqkSzbSBG8IfhpzXJh+DZXfPNnfY7DLVwlJ6S6kBwxqV8XqOD0Pnxumsh5sUbBo1cdwuziL+LUdPkcwii6YXcBLIi2w0XoUCNXaWpVlE0hB9jWp/SjIg+BnG+EaOIKm6EcdBQfdE/Bm/Lqlcz8BUZ|tkp:Bk9SR6ChmMbJYQ
The lever I made from 303 . I need another lever , Next time I'm going to buy this (they have all different sizes)https://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/77414357
Here it is now
IMG_1088 by mark westi, on Flickr
First, determine the part number of the part that you want. Then call Clausing @ 1-800-323-0972 first and see whether they still have one in stock. For the particular part that you need, probably not but ask first. If they don't still carry it, they will usually send you a copy of the original drawing as either a PDF or if you specifically ask as a .TIF which is how they store it. I don't recall having done it, but you might also check Downloads on this site. If I did download it, I usually would have cleaned up the file before converting it to .PDF and uploading it.

If it isn't already in Downloads, send me a copy of it preferably as a .TIF and I will clean it up and add it to Downloads.