5900/6900 Slave Cylinder Cover 3D Print File


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 24, 2020
Hey all,

My recently acquired Clausing 5904 had a lower slave cylinder cover that was showing signs of age (small crack) and my 6913 needed a cover as well so I whipped one up in Autodesk Fusion and they fit and work nicely. I've printed them in both PLA and PETG on an Ender S3 Pro and a Bambu P1S with zero issues. If you'd like the .stl to print one yourself, send me a PM and I'll get you copy.

I would ask that you only use this for personal use since I spent probably $1 in filament with test prints and at least 20 minutes of my valuable time working on it in Fusion (yes, sarcasm).

Here are some pics comparing it to the original off my 5904. I made it just slightly taller.


Here's a copy in gray on my 6913 with the speed at the highest (pistons extended fully) and lowest (pistons retracted fully)....no issues at all. The lathe was running which is why the sheaves are a bit blurry.

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P.S. This is Clausing part number 122-125, Cylinder Cover