1922 spindle movement?


Jun 5, 2023
Finally got my new lathe running last night and noticed that the chuck seemed to have a pretty good wobble to it, noticable to my eye. Today I started looking into it. I took the chuck off and put a dial test indicator on the registration face of the spindle. Seemed like it was running pretty true but then I noticed that I could deflect it 3-4 thousandths by pushing up or down on the spindle threads. Also about that much if I push from the front straight back. This is by hand with some force but not alot. Thats not correct is it?

Also seemed like it was pretty noisy. Low bumping noise. I disengaged the belt to the spindle and the noise was still happening. Seemed visually like the rear pullies were bumping up and down a bit every rotation. Took off the belt to the motor and the motor seemed pretty quiet. When I wiggle rear pully shaft by hand I can move it up and down about 1/8". Both bearings seem like they have a lot of play in them. Thats not correct either or is it?
Journal(plain) bearings(spindle)?
Maybe adjust thrust clearance first, then check journal clearance again.
2-3 thou journal clearance should be good to get started.
Check bearings in counter shaft(sounds likely where most of the problem lies) and inspect belts, they may need replacing if old and stiff or a good bit of run time to lose some of the "set"(shape) if they have sat for a long time.
Thanks for the advice. Joined Groups.io.

After searching around and watching several videos on people disassembling a logan I think I know the next steps.

I am going to disassemble the counter shaft and take a look at those parts. Suspect for sure that the bearings are bad. Hoping there is not any other issue like a bent part. I noticed that it looks like one of outside edge of the pulley assembly had been damaged at one point and welded back on, but at least from the outside its not something that should be causing the bumping I am seeing. I will post some pictures of it when I get it out of the lathe.

For the spindle I found a page which talks about the setting the preload on the spindle bearing and I am thinking that is what the spindle might need. Link - Excessive Spindle Play Fixed I am going to see if I can determine the state of the bearings in the spindle, as if I have to order from Logan for the counter shaft bearings I want to get it all in one go to save on shipping. I am not experienced in bearings, but I am going to try to listen to see if they sound ok. I may end up disassembling the spindle to take a closer look at the bearings.
I can't recall if the 11" are the same as the 10" or not. But those folks will let you know. I know in the group folders are some simple plans for pulling the spindle. Bummer about the pulley, most likely someone was using it to try and hold the spindle.
Took apart the countershaft assembly last night. It seems like the bearings on the countershaft might be ok? Not very experienced with bearings but they dont seem to have any play and the turn smoothly. They also dont spin freely (which I read in another thread is desirable as it shows that they still have lubrication). They are after market bearings so the only thing is I am not sure if they are absolutely correct. Also does anyone know how tight these are supposed to be in the pillow block? They can shift back and forth a bit by hand. Going to press them out later today to visually inspect the inside of the block.

The real source of the issue seems to be the countershaft. Very, very worn.
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They should spin freely. I believe the 10" headstock tailstock end spindle bearings are the only unique bearings. All others are off the shelf of the correct "class" or fit. So you could take them to a bearing supplier or work with one on line. Some have reported they were able to drill the metal shield and refill them, 40% max, with appropriate grease. Not sure I would be that self assured I could prevent chips from entering the bearing, or could clean them out 100%. If you do try to clean them, first NEVER spin a dry bearing with air! Apparently many old greases were soap based so I suggest you research specific cleaning techniques. FYI an ultrasonic will not hurt bearings.

My $.02 on the shaft. I'd contact Scott for a counter shaft of known quality and cry once. If it's just too much, eBay or see about having someone, there is a place here to ask for work, make it for you. Looks like the shaft has one step and a Woodruff key way.
Already contacted Scott and have gotten a price on a new counter shaft. I need to take apart the spindle and headstock to see if there are any other issues that I need parts for. Thats why I was wondering if these bearings are ok or not. To clarify these are the countershaft bearings not the spindle. Trying to figure out if I need to order new bearings or just the shaft.
Finished removing the countershaft bearings. One felt very good. One felt a bit rough. Not horrible but I am going to replace both. Might as well with the new shaft I am ordering from Logan.

Pulled apart the spindle and it looks fine but the parts were incorrectly mounted. All four spring washer pieces were together facing the same direction between the rear bearing and the rear retaining snap ring.

Parts will be ordered tomorrow and it will get reassembled when they come in.