work stop

  1. Milt Able

    Tail support and mill stop combination

    In making a tail support for my new 12 sided R8 collet block, I decided it might just as well double for a mill stop. I machined a 1.5" x 1" x 3" rectangular piece of mysterium steel to have a 60 degree conical tip to support extended work. I added a rod perpendicular through the back so that I...
  2. B

    New Bridgeport Attachment - Be a Part of the Product Development Process

    Hello everyone, I am developing a new attachment for Bridgeport mills. I am in the early days, and have a handful of prototypes, and would like to request some feedback on my new tool. I am not asking for funds, donations, etc, but will give you the tool, in exchange for some feedback. Send me...