parts duplication

  1. D

    Sheldon L vs XL - Part Swap

    Going through my recent purchase of a 10in Sheldon L series (Model num UL-44B) i have found i am not a huge fan of the rotating clutch for the power feed. ebay has a apron casting and assembly for a 10in XL lathe, which would effectively convert mine to the throw-lever style clutch 2-pice...
  2. Ulma Doctor

    Pulley Duplication, The Show Must Go On......

    Hello Again! i have a customer in a panic their Mettler Toledo 90* conveyor needed a pulley, so i decided to make one from scratch. i made the pulley mainly because MT is in Ohio and also because right now is not fast enough for this fickle customer! i first used my Shenwai SW900B lathe, to...