motor retrofit

  1. Ulma Doctor

    South Bend 14 B 2 A Drill Press- Motor Upgrade

    I have a wonderful South Bend 14" Drill Press that i got from fellow member @TAWP Tool :grin: i tried to utilize the drill press with just the OEM pulleys from the 56 frame 1725 rpm, 1/2 Hp motor @115v, for a couple years- but the spindle was turning waaay too fast for my taste or use...
  2. Ulma Doctor

    1943 Monarch 10EE S/N 17646-Retrofit and Repair

    I'm finally in the Monarch Club, solely due to the good graces from a fellow member TAWP TOOL. he offered me the lathe with goodies involved and even supplied the muscle to comealong the beast onto the trailer! one heck of a good man in my book! from the bottom of my heart,thank you!!! May i...