I've installed the X-axis scale on the back of the table and am challenged to come up with a way cover design that will work.
RF-30 Y-axis ways (2) by heli_av8tor posted Nov 21, 2016 at 10:02 AM
Here is the exposed ways with the Y axis extended away from the column.
RF-30 Y-axis ways (1) by...
Does anyone know about this machine? comes complete with 2X dro, x axis power feed, coolant system,etc.
AND free shipping. all for around $5800....looks to be some deal!
am I missing something here?
I checked several sites and the money was about the same
I'm starting this thread hoping to generate a detailed blow-by-blow account of setting up TouchDRO with Ditron Glass Scales.
After the scales are up and running I plan on adding a tachometer to the setup, but for now going to keep it simple.
I'm not exactly sure of which controller to use, or...
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