
  1. H

    İnformation about this grinding machine?

    hello people im new to this form so if this post has anything against the rules im sorry but as i said in the title can i get some information about this grinding machine only information on the machine is the plaque that has albe-werke writing dresden
  2. Zyox Jägergeist

    Heavy iron rolling in

    It's been a while since I've posted anything. Frankly been to busy to, moved and been working hard to get everything built up and in it's place. Well, it's been a lot of work in a short timeframe. Poured the floor, got the walls insulated and drywalled, finally rolled everything in, in about a...
  3. D

    Buffalo NO.15 Drill press restore

    I inherited my grand dads drill press. I was a rust bucket that was in my dads shed for 30 or 40 years. It was covered in dirt and rat crap.... I took her apart and sandblasted what I could and then painted it. Bearings were good so I didn't replace any the motor worked fine. I did change...
  4. Millers Falls Power Hacksaw.MOV

    Millers Falls Power Hacksaw.MOV

    First time operation of Millers Falls Power Hacksaw after many, many years of sitting in a barn.