wind up toy projects


somewhat active
Jan 29, 2014
I am interested in designing and creating toys with wind up clock work mechanisms.

So far Google has not lead me to any blogs or project examples similar to what I want to do.

Here is an over the top example of something I would like to produce:


If anyone can refer me to any websites, or blogs with this kind of work it would be most appreciated.

i will be watching your future posts with great interest.
Fascinating area of interest! All I can offer is a couple of wild suggestions ...

Have you been to the art gallery in Newport? I recall seeing a couple of clocks made completely from wood. You might try to get in touch with one of those craftsmen, either for direct know-how on designing the gear trains, or for leads to clockwork toy makers.

If you get right down to it, the major difference between clocks and clockwork toys is the speed at which they run, clocks being regulated by an escapement.

And just to go all the way silly, I'd suggest searching for journals, blogs or magazines devoted to steampunk. The example you showed almost looks like something from that area.

Best wishes!
I think a lot of suggestions could be found here:

Some of these people have windup trains and would be interested in what you did or anticipate doing.

Some of their toy trains can go really long distance (they run them on garden tracks outside); and they have contests to see who can wind it up just right to stop at the station and not go past it or up to it

they do battery and live steam and windup is small minority; but still, they're work is quality craftsmanship; mostly in 1:12 scale but some larger
Google Craftmanship museum and I think you may get some great ideas.

If you do find a site dealing with wind-up toys, let us know. I think several, myself included would like to try something like this.:makingdecision:
If you do find a site dealing with wind-up toys, let us know. I think several, myself included would like to try something like this.:makingdecision:

What he said!

I'd even like to find a set of plans for the wind-up car the OP posted, if possible.
