What Is The Best Tool Score You Ever Got?

This is a fun post! Before I retired I was more likely to pay market price for tools - I had money, but no time. Now the situation is reversed so, generally speaking, I don't buy unless the quality is high and the price is low. As a result, my shop has literally become a "bargain basement." So, high on the list was the flea market Stanley #2 plane for $5. Recently, a Tapmatic 3R at auction for $5. A roached out (now serviceable) Porter Cable CN2 2X48 Belt grinder for $13. Lots of micrometers, calipers and measuring stuff $1-$9. A Kennedy stack (12 drawers total) for $140. An 18" Parks/Craftsman bandsaw at auction for $80. The mill and accessories in my avatar for $350 (although there was another $400 in parts and many hours, etc to make it right). And lots of hand and power woodworking tools too numerous to mention.

I have found more great deals on tools over the past 50+ years, than I can count. I will just go with the one I ran across a few weeks ago on E-bay. For the past 2 years, I have kept a search link on E-bay, to the no longer made and illusive NOS U6 Jacobs 6a-6b drill chuck replacement jaw kits. Early on, I would check often. In the 2 separate kits, that did turn up, my $45.00 bid was not enough. Checking often got old over time. It got down to about once a month.

A few weeks ago, I checked again, after a month. I could not believe what I was seeing. Listing was on its 3ed day and had a buy it now of $25.95, free shipping and also make an offer. Figured I would offer $20.00 and if rejected, I could always do the buy it now, which was still a super deal for a U6 jaw kit. My offer was accepted and I thought nothing more about it. I should have read the add more closely. When the package arrived in the mail, there were two U6 jaw kits.

I then recalled seeing the word Pair in the ad, but thought the seller was referring to the 2 parts of the split ring in the kit. Felt a bit bad about offering the $20.00, but I`ll get over it. ----- John
A complete Holbrook C16 with collets and both rests for 150.00. Still needs a little work to run, but she's coming along nicely.

As we in England say, "Jammy Git..." - my C13 (collets but no rests, 3 and 4 jaw Pratt Burnerd chucks, Dickson QCTP) cost me £327, roughly $500, and my best score so far!

Dave H. (the other one)
A 6" vise is overkill for a RF45 style mill. A 4" is more appropiate for that size mill & IMO 5" max. I have a 5" GMT vise on my PM45 & it's slightly too big. Not enough Y axis travel to make use of the 5" full capacity. Better to save your money rather than getting something too big & most importantly the weight. I take my vise of the table quite often, a 6" is still light enough for me to be carried by hand but I'm glad I have a 5". I also have a 4" vise as well. I prefer the 5" though.

But those GMT 6" Premium vises are pretty nice. I'd love to have one but don't need one on my current mill. But if you plan on upgrading to a full size knee mill in the future than the 6" will be perfect.

Here's what the 5" looks like on my mill.

I couldn't even complete this cut without my bellows & DRO scale getting in the way. Not enough Y travel & the 5" vise is not even maxed out.

Here's what a 6" vise looks like on another PM45 (gt40's)
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Today's score, a 12" 4 jaw with camlocks that will fit my Monarch!
For the price of toting it to the truck! (Free!!!)
Two of the worm screws are split, but that can be repaired.

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Good grief! What gorilla mechanic did you get this from?????? Lucky for you, there aren't any pieces missing from the worm screws. And I sincerely hope the scroll is in OK shape!