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Kinda silly, and off topic ... but I recall several Craigslist ads for vises over the years. Those that included cans for scale all seemed to use Mountain Dew. Can't recall any with a Pepsi or 7-Up can. Strange, eh wot? :)
Because Mountain Dew is the nectar of the gods. :D
I don't really do reviews but I might post a little something about it after I make a base plate for it.

Add me to the list of interested parties. I could really use a little metal brake -- 12" would be ideal.

I see that Eastwood is selling a similar brake for $225: Eastwood 12" Metal Brake

About twice a year I end up bending some aluminum sheet between tooling plates stuck in my bench vise and am usually semi-happy with the result. That little brake looks like it would be a big step up for me. I'd be interested in your thoughts after you've used the thing a few times.

These arrived yesterday and was I surprised.
I didn't expect too much for $40.00 but thought they would be good enough for my sander project.
The two rails are almost 4 feet long with four bearing blocks.
The fit and movement is very nice and they arrived two days early from California.


Not really the place for it, but Mt Dew has a history back to about 1964, give or take. It started out as "Kickapoo Joy Juice", then the owners of the cartoon strip Lil Abner threw a fit about copyright influence. I don't know if the actual artist got involved, or if it was the syndicate that owned the rights to the strip.
The end result was using the common expression for moonshine. Of course, being over 50 years ago, most folks today haven't even heard of mountain dew used in that context. I say 1964 as the transition date because I remember Kickapoo Joy Juice disappearing from store shelves at the same time as Mt Dew showed up. It tasted exactly the same and came in bottles of the same design. Of course, in those days the bottles were glass, there was none if this plastic crap. As I recall, it was more like Upper-10 than anything, with a smoother taste.
Not really relevent to machinery, beyond the extensive use thereof. But an interesting historical note. It did taste much worse after the introduction of corn sweetener.
Bill Hudson​
When I need something I often become a collector. My latest collection is files. I've bought & used files as far back as I can remember - File is even the 1st tool I taught my son! Was able to buy up some NOS lots that will fill my needs for years to come. The 5 on the right are shot - some gambles are like that. But the boxes of NOS 3 & 4 square are so worth having!290881
I don't often find anything worth the extra kick most antique stores want for their tools but I've found one fairly close that I always seem to find something cheap. This was in the very last case as I was almost out the door empty handed. I've seen and used a larger one for spacing rivets, but never one this small. Turns out it's called a "diequal drafting tool". There has been so many times I was laying out multiple holes and wished I had something like this.


I had to do a double take, 52"W! That's crazy to find one like that period in a flea mkt in the first place isn't it?