welding after laser surgery

i have no experience with the cataract part of the question. i do have with laser surgery. had it done 20 years ago. no complaints, no change in welding.
the need for cheaters is a result of old age
Question about Oxy/Acetylene welding...
I have an opportunity to do some regular Oxy/Acet welding for income... something like 15-20 hrs/day for a few weeks, 2-3 times a year.

Other than appropriate eye and face and smoke protection... are there any other issues to be aware of???

Question about Oxy/Acetylene welding...
I have an opportunity to do some regular Oxy/Acet welding for income... something like 15-20 hrs/day for a few weeks, 2-3 times a year.

Other than appropriate eye and face and smoke protection... are there any other issues to be aware of???


time and a half over 40.
no cash under the table - our govt dependents need the money
time and a half over 40.
no cash under the table - our govt dependents need the money

Yeah... wish it was a 'govt' job... grin!
It is piece pay... brazing copper lines to brass fittings... on the HP's and AH's.

Should work out to something like a couple days a week for a month...
Then a month off
Then repeat, twice.

Being retirement age, was thinking I need to do a bit of research on whether this is gonna be bad for my eyes.

my eye doc said my getting cataracts at young age was not helped by welding, skiing , sailing. Bright lights not so good in his opinion. I have a new cataract now, he said wait till it bothers me. He further stated 1% chance of bad outcome from surgery. Growing old is so much fun.
later this year im going in and have cataracts removed and probably lase surgery on both eyes,has anyone had this done and tried welding afterwords,a little worried,im not a great welder but i can join 2 pieces of metal,was wondering about eeffects dave
I am unsure about the welding but my wife went through cataract surgery last year. Interesting take-aways and foremost for me was the lenses. All they told her was she would see better but we had no idea about replacement lense choices. They put in lenses suitable for driving or distance without discussing with her and this has greatly affected her reading. Also, they have lenses that are progressive so you have near and far and your brain will accommodate them. My aunt chose those and they are pricey but wish we had known.

Also, since the surgery and to be fair, she has glaucoma as well. Her vision has never been the same, she has not driven at all since last August and now, if I cannot get away from work and she has an appointment she has to rely on Taxi/Trolley - no biggie in NYC but here in Central Oklahoma, it is pricey and never on your schedule.

So I agree, get all the recommendations and opinions you can. My work insurance added an opinion service and the credentials of the docs who talk to her is impressive and one called and chatted with her over an hour followed by a 10 page 'opinion'. so that was nice. She still cannot see well.