Today's Jokes - 2024

Just telling you what he told me. I suspect 30 minutes would be a best case and if your warning was the B52's leaving the ground it was far less. I am old enough top remember the cold war, I remember many events of that era...
Sorry, meant that a bit tongue in cheek. Apparently it was estimated that Soviet missiles would land in the US 30 minutes after launch. So whatever overhead occurred before sending the B-52's down the runway would subtract from that. We had a pretty iron-clad set of safeguards which definitely ate up some of that time. I didn't mean to dispute your account. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, what difference would it make when you're talking in terms of hundreds of megatons?

I had a kegger at my home when I was in High School and the parents were on vacation in Reno. Everyone kept complaining that there was nothing to eat. I filled several bowls with Cat Chow, you know the ones that are in an X pattern.

You know, not one person noticed and they ended up eating the entire 5lb bag by the end of the night.

Now that I think about it, they all had whiter teeth by the end of the night.

The cat on the other hand was not happy.

True story.