Thumbnail Test 2


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2011
thumbnail load time test 2

AN-GRC-102.jpg C-4~ARN-7-1.JPG C-52ARC-4A.JPG C-52-ARC-4Ar.JPG C-87f.JPG C-87np.JPG C-87r.JPG C-1004B.JPG
Not bad, maybe one second, maybe two. What did you do?
I'm not sure, yet. Nor do I know why the one that I added shows up differently in the thread. I just checked and the file sizes range from 29 KB to 613 KB. The second one is a .BMP. The others are .JPG's.

Do you know of a thread that has one or more thumbnails that takes more than 2 or 3 seconds to load? If so, I'll go and see whether it's slow for me, too.
Those worked but the pics in vice break don't, I think it has something to do with attached files
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Only a second or so on my iPad. Much faster than in the past. Keep digging!
Tom, over ten seconds after clicking on the thumbnail or just to load the page?
I've notice that after clicking on a thumbnail there is a long pause, but if I click on the blown window on another thumbnail
it loads quickly.
Appears that all the images & an embedded Youtube load up/cache at the beginning.