This Really Has To Stop.....i'll Be Broke Sooner Than Later.


In the last 3 days I have bought

Edge finder
Center finder
Mahr test indicator (used)
Couple of different arbors
2" travel indicator
Enco (French made) Boring head (used)
115 pc cobalt Cleveland twist drill set

A month or so ago I bought a New Miller TIG welder.

I'm not really sure if I want to learn to machine or just addicted to buying tools? While I did get a good price ( I felt) on nearly everything my mother never told me about this!?!
Got beat out at an auction or 3 on a rotary table and at one time close to the end of the auction I was sitting on 6 yes 6 kurt vises. Thank God I became the first runner up in most all of them!

I wonder if my mom wants a piece of metal (Modern art) with a bunch of random holes drilled in it for Mothers Day?

Words to live by:
"Where there is a will... there is a jealous relative" ALSO "He who dies with the most tools... still dies!" ( By the way I've got tools... that can fix tools.)
Ahhhh so much to look forward too?

TB I'd like to get a track day at Mid Ohio, never been on the track except for the vintage motorcycle days and anything below 140 doesn't count.

I need to sell some stuff to buy more stuff, That is how is spose to go right? Anyone want a motorcycle? How about an older operational 250 lb floor sander? Anything else you guys want to buy I been collecting for 52 years on the same farm for 4 generations. I've really been eyeing up stuff that I "really need"! My lathe and mill cupboard looks really bare!!!
I have engineered a few cars at Mid-Ohio and once took the Mid-Ohio driving school to get a better feel for setting up cars there. I plan to race there in 2016 for a national championship. All I can say to you is if you are easily addicted to things, there is no cure for a racecar addiction. If you really must do it then spend the money right and do the 3 day comp school. They have some of the best instructors in the country there. As far as the tool thing. I am no help there I need to add on more space to my shop to get any work done.
And I am just getting started. I have a ton of tools but no machinist tools. Keep looking at all the more things to collect buy build and find a place to go. There is no cure for tool addiction it just leads to more addictions next you will be building your tools ..
I'm hoping to build m own tools someday.

Sadly the racecar addition bit me over 3 decades ago......... half of what I plan to do with my new machine shop toys is feed the addiction
Soon you'll be buying stuff for machines you want but don't have...cause eventually you'll need it right?...LOL
It’s a vicious circle of life. You will never stop buying, now that you have the bug. Then it becomes an inheritance nightmare!
It’s a vicious circle of life. You will never stop buying, now that you have the bug. Then it becomes an inheritance nightmare!

don't have that worry, sat down while back whilst doing will and asked all 6 kids if they want anything in particular leaving to them.
quick as lightening my 6yr old girl said your tools and i will punch anyone else that tries getting them.
mind you she is my shadow and only realises mum is around when i am at work.
I must have 300 lbs of smallish drill bits and yet I never pass the opportunity to get more if the price is right nor do I throw them away ever. Drill bits and wrenches seem to be my addiction.
My father is realizing his mortality and has recently asked my brother and I what tools we wanted when he passes to which we both replied, "All of them! "
Yeah, My name is Barry, a I am a tool-a-holic too. My wife hasn't left me yet, but I wouldn't blame her if she did. I'm not even going to tell you all the things I bought in the last year, and I don't even make money at machining. I just make things for myself that I could have bought for 1/1,000,000th the price of all the tools I needed to make it, and think, "Wow, this is soo cool that I can make things for half of what they cost! Now where have all our savings gone, Dear?" But maybe some day I'll start making money with all these things. Does anybody know how to do that?
While in the military, you only got so much weight allowance to ship your house hold goods from one place to the next. Now what is more important, A chair for the living room or a tool,, I always picked the tool. Also learned what the different tools were called in different places, Found little out of the way places to find old tools, I don't have a problem, I just like tools.
The other thing is trying to explain it all to the insurance company when you come home and find you have been ripped off, Lucky enough, I had just move and still had photos of all the tools, But they still did not want to believe me.