Hi Joe- very nice! Nearly identical to mine, but you have the original post that holds up the motor frame. It also looks like you have the original "dipper" for white lead in the tailstock. I'd love to see a closeup of it pulled out. I made a brass replacement with a little carved out spoon end, but I've never actually seen one. Is your paint original? The color looks close to the hidden areas of mine where I can still see the blue. I can't see any shims under the legs, but if you haven't leveled it, you should. Mine was on an uneven floor in some factory for decades, and when I got it the bed had developed some permanent twist. It's taken a long time, but it's finally settled down after keeping it leveled for many years. I used to use stacks of aluminum roofing flashing to shim the legs. Be sure to back out your threading dial from the lead screw when not in use- reduces wear.