Shop Wall Art : 3D Printed Clock

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
Hey Guys and Gals,
i had a failed attempt at printing a 6"+ 127T gear
it left a cool thin gear, but it had no center- a ring gear
it sat for a month or better

yesterday, after looking at the ring gear again, the gears started turning in my head, literally and figuratively !!!
What could i possibly do with a scrap part in PLA ???
i found a couple inexpensive quartz clock movements, that i had in future project storage
as i looked at the clock movements, it struck me- maybe make a clock for the shop???? :grin:
since the scrap part was printed, could i not design and print another body to somehow co-mingle with the scrap part to make another piece of art???
you bet your stars, i took some measurements and went to task of modeling the geared art piece
the design was simple, i was able to import gear objects from Tinkercad and thingyverse
here is a link to the face design, sans the ring gear
the gears were arranged and the sizes were adjusted to get the end product
after a 3 hour print, i was able to join the 2 parts of the clock face together with vinyl cement in 4 locations.
i let the cement dry overnight and then installed the quartz movement to the clock face
i installed the very thin and fragile hands to the movement and put the AA battery in
the art came to life!!!
i put a screw in the wall above my bench and snapped a picture for posterity :grin:

i give you the 3D Printed Gear Clock....


i usually don't allow clocks in my home shop- this time i'll make an exception :grin big:
Mike, Your creativity is showing .......... again!
