Plaza Machinery is back in business


Nov 26, 2011
According to a thread over on the Home Shop Machinist forum, Plaza Machinery has re-opened!
"Spoke to Vinnie Bergamo this afternoon. He has been cleared by the courts to begin selling again. Rules same as for Joe. Email for an appointment or query for an item. Contact is" [quote from user YoheShop]

This internet archive link shows the old website and has downloadable lists of what they have/had. It may not be current, but will give you a good idea of the type of stuff he will have. Lotsa spare parts for machines.

Also be warned that the ebay seller using the name plazamachinery is not associated with the real Plaza Machinery.
I wonder if he keeping the same prices as they used to list?
I wonder if he keeping the same prices as they used to list?

I emailed about a few things that were on an old list. He said the lists had not been kept up, but he would check to see what he had. I'll let you know if the price is the same when he gets back to me.
Any idea if they are going to do an updated list that we could get.
I don' t know them, but from what was on the other forum I think it is his son. There was an extended legal process that had to be resolved before he was able to reopen. I'll ask about an updated inventory when I hear back from him.
Vincent's ability to sell was held up by the probate of Joe's estate. Now that that has been done, he's back in business. Use the email address at the beginning of this thread for updates. Joe was a very good guy. Very honest. I bought from him all the time. I'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree as far as Vincent.